The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to reproduce the artistic-expression or work in copies, such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by sale.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by rental.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by lease.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by lending.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by licensing.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to distribute copies such as print, digital or any other formats of reproduction of the artistic-expression or work to the public by other way of transfer of ownership.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to publish the artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to perform the artistic-expression or work publicly.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to display the artistic-expression or work publicly.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to perform the artistic-expression or work publicly by means of various formats of transmission.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to issue copies of the artistic-expression or work to the public.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to show or play the artistic-expression or work in public.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to communicate the artistic-expression or work to the public.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to exclude others from using the artistic-expression or work without permission.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to arrange the original artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to adapt the original artistic-expression or work in various forms of languages.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to adapt the original artistic-expression or work in various transmission formats and media frameworks.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to adapt the original artistic-expression or work in various socio-cultural settings.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to modify, prepare derivative works, or edit the original artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the exclusive copyrights and privileges to render the original artistic-expression or work in various contexts, be it social, political, cultural, and other forms and formats of expressions.
Moral rights
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to be identified as the co-artist-creator of their artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right not to have their co-artistic-expression or work falsely attributed.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to prevent the use of their name as the artist-creator of the work of such artistic-expression or work in the event of a distortion, mutilation, or other modification of the artistic-expression or work which would be prejudicial to the artist-creator's honor or reputation.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to prevent any intentional distortion, mutilation, or other modification of that work which would be prejudicial to the artist-creator's honor or reputation, and any intentional distortion, mutilation, or modification of that artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to prevent any destruction of the artistic-expression or work of recognized stature, and any intentional or grossly negligent destruction of that artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to privacy of their co-artistic-expression or work.
The artist-creator shares with the new and future owners the right to use a pseudonym and to remain anonymous.
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