When setting a normal price as well as a sale price on a product, the sale price takes precedence, which is correct, however, when I add a sale start and end date (for example, scheduling that my sale starts on Friday and ends on Sunday), then the normal price returns, which is correct, but my product disappears from my shop. Since I only have a single product at this stage, I also get additional errors when attempting to view my shop.
Shop Dashboard Error: "Your shop has no products available. It wont be listed unless you add at least one product."
Viewing Shop Error: "There are no records matching the specified search pattern"
Steps to re-create:
1. Create a new account.
2. Add a single product for market place, not auction.
3. Set a normal price as well as a sale price.
4. Set the sale start and end date from yesterday, up until the end of the month.
5. Go to shop dashboard to see the Shop Dashboard Error above.
6. Go to view shop to see the Viewing Shop Error above.
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